Note: Keep in mind these are all NOT diagnostic and NON-invasive (as opposed to chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, etc.)
The indications of doing each test and contraindications are not the topic of this post.
Possible non-invasive screening tests:
- U/S: measures nuchal translucency:Which is a sac of fluid behind the neck of the fetus. It is present in all fetuses but is increased in those with Trisomy 21. (Figure below)
- Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A): this is a glycoprotein produced by the trophoblasts and is most accurately measured during the 1st trimester. It becomes less accurate after that and is therefore not measured in the 2nd trimester.
- Quadruple screen/triple screen/maternal serum screen: which is a blood test composed of 3 or 4 components (depending on which is chosen).
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There are a few patterns of doing the prenatal fetal screening. Depending on the detection rate and false positives of each one, a type is chosen during pregnancy.
- 1st trimester: doing Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound only (the detection rate in Figure 1 below is the lowest)
- 1st trimester: doing blood screen + Nuchal Translucency (this is also known as the First Trimester Screen and is explained below)
- 2nd trimester: doing a Triple Screen also known as Maternal Serum Screen or Quadruple Screen, (the Triple Screen has a lower detection rate than the Quadruple Screen)
- Done in both trimesters: Integrated Prenatal Screening (this has the highest detection rate of Down Syndrome as seen below at 94-96%)
- Done in both trimesters: Integrated Serum Screening
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Figure 1: Retrieved from |
Prenatal Fetal Screening Patterns Explained
First Trimester Screening (FTS) (Red in Figure 1)
First Trimester Screening (FTS) (Red in Figure 1)
- Blood test:
- B-hCG
- U/S:
- measures nuchal translucency
- 1 blood sample drawn only
- Done early (in the 1st trimester) so useful where parent wants early results and can also offer follow up with a Chorionic Villus Sampling if positive, since Chorionic Villus Sampling can only be done between 10-13 weeks of gestation)
- Can detect Trisomy 21 and 18
- Does not estimate risk of open Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) and therefore must combine it with a Maternal Alpha Fetoprotein (MAFP) at 15-20 weeks gestation for detecting NTDs.
- Not as accurate as Integrated Prenatal Screening
- False positive rate: 5%
- What is it?The MSS is also known as a Triple Screen. If the Inhibin A is also tested, it is known as the Quadruple Screen(obviously because then 4 components will have been looked for). If Inhibin A is not done, it is known as a Triple Test (genius naming really!).
It is composed of only a blood test with the following components: - B-hCG
- Maternal Serum Alpha Fetoprotein (MSAFP):
- Estriol (Unconjugated Estrogen)
- Inhibin A
- When is it done? It is a 2nd trimester test done at 15-20 weeks gestation
- Advantages:
- 1 blood sample drawn only
- Can detect Trisomy 21 and 18 and NTDs
- Disadvantages:
- Late detection (in 2nd trimester), so no chance of offering chorionic villus sampling.
- What is it?It is the combination of both tests: the MSS + FTS
So an U/S is done in the first semester along with a blood test AND a blood test in the second semester looking for the respective components mentioned above in each test. - When is it done?At the respective timings of the MSS and FTS
- Advantages:
- Most accurate screening schedule
- False positive rate: 2%
- Can detect Trisomy 21 and 18 and NTDs
- Disadvantages:
- 2 blood samples to be drawn
- Late detection (in 2nd trimester), so no chance of offering chorionic villus sampling.
Integrated Serum Screening
- What is it? It is the combination of ONLY the blood tests from the FTS and MSS (again the naming geniusly indicates this)
- When is it done? At the respective timings of the MSS and FTS
- What is it?
U/S scan done to look for fetal anomalies, fetal growth, location of placenta and number of fetuses (also for gestational age if no prior U/S done) - When is it done? It is a 2nd trimester scan done at 18-20 weeks of gestation
Abnormalities in Screening tests
Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21):
Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21):
- Nuchal translucency: increased
- B-hCG: increased
- PAPP-A: decreased
Open Neural Tube Defects:
- MSAFP: increase
- B-hCG: normal
- Unconjugated estrogen (estriol): normal
- Inhibin A: normal
Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21):
- MSAFP: decreased
- B-hCG: increased
- Unconjugated estrogen (estriol): decreased
- Inhibin A: increased
Edward Syndrome (Trisomy 18):
- MSAFP: decreased
- B-hCG: decreased
- Unconjugated estrogen (estriol): decreased
- Inhibin A: normal
1. ACOG practice bulletin no. 77: screening for fetal chromosomal abnormalities.
2. Essential Med Notes 2015: Obstetrics - Table 3, OB6
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